Saturday, January 07, 2006

How to Get a Lower WSJ Subscription Rate

Ignore them. Here is the sequence of letters I got:

July 2005

Dear WM,

Your subscription to the Wall Street Journal is expiring in a month, and in order to avoid missing a single issue, you need to renew now! For only $211 (plus California sales tax) you will get in depth news coverage, hard hitting opinion articles, and our brand new Saturday Edition. Don't wait, send us your renewal notice today!


August 2005

Dear WM,

Please note that your subscription has now expired. As a courtesy we have extended it for another month. Please get your renewal notice in the mail today so you won't miss a single issue!


September 2005

Dear WM,

Look, you're busy. We're busy. We're all busy. But can you please get us your renewal notice? Look, we'll cut $20 off the price, okay? At $190 this is a steal. Let us know soon!


October 2005

Okay, bud, we warned you! You're cut off. No more paper for you! BUT if you want to come back, we let you have it for, um, $175? Come on, NO ONE gets it this price. And I am doing it because I like you.

Get back to me,

November 2005

Dearest WM,

After being together 18 years how could you do this to us? We kept you company at breakfast, entertained you on long flights. We were with you as a young college student and were beside you as you progressed through the business world. And now, after nearly two decades, you just toss us aside?

It's those blogs, isn't it?

We know. A man around your age starts looking for a little excitement and you think blogs are the answer. They're new. They're fresh. But they're empty calories. After a few months you'll miss the depth and maturity we provide.

Tell you what, you have your fling, and when you're done, we'll still be here. And we won't hold it against you. Just think of that as you stare at a driveway without a paper and eat breakfast alone tomorrow morning.


December 2005

Dear Mr. Manager,

I must apologize for the last letter. Our subscription manager got a little carried away.

I know a man of your success and intelligence will not be swayed by emotional arguments, but by cold financial calculations. Tell you what: $59 for six months. Final offer. You have ten days to respond.

WSJ Managing Editor

At this point I accept the offer and mail them a check. Today I got the confirmation:

January 2006

Dear WM,

Welcome back! You're morning paper will start delivery again on Monday.


So all you have to do is hold out longer than they do.

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