Sunday, August 12, 2007

August Travel Movie Reviews

Shrek the Third - What happened? The first two were funny, enjoyable movies that had enough adult humor to keep me engaged and laughing. This one was boring and stupid. I guess the writers got tired or the franchise got old. Two out of five stars.

Spiderman 3 - This sequel did better if you are after nothing more than a fast adventure. As usual, the special effects were incredible. I enjoyed the exploration of Spidey's dark side, but feel they didn't go deep enough since they loaded up on too many bad guys. Three stars.

The Last King of Scotland (iPod)- This movie about Idi Amin may be mis-titled, but it is incredibly engrossing. It follows the slow descent of a care-free young doctor who becomes Amin's personal physician. Forest Whitaker won an Oscar for Amin, but I would have given the nod to James McAvoy as the doctor, who was entirely believable as a naive young man who finds out too late that he has become a part of an evil regime. There are a few disturbing scenes that turned me off, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed this film. 4.5 stars.

Fracture - I never even heard of this legal-murder drama, and there's a good reason. Although it stars Anthony Hopkins, this thing never gets off the ground. I's unbelievable and stupid. 2 stars.

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