Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The New Phrase For Sales in 2009

Learn It: "Flat is the New Up"

Example 1:

Boss: WM, your numbers are looking pretty flat

WM: Hans. Bubeeee. Haven’t you heard? In this economy "Flat is the New Up!"

Boss: WM, you’re right. Here is your full bonus check.

Example 2:

Customer: WM-san, I do not know if we can afford your new technology as things are looking flat.

WM: Yamamoto-san. Bubeee. Haven’t you heard? In this economy "Flat is the New Up!"

(customer does sharp intake of breath through sides of mouth)

: WM-san, your wisdom is very great. We must still invest. Here is our purchase order.

The bad news is that Down is still Down, and you’re not going to talk your out of that.

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